Rein in用法全解析:掌握这一词汇,助你提升英语表达能力you stop it or make it go slower by pulling its reins. The horsemen reined in and shouted at the men behind to turn back. 骑手们勒住缰绳,对后面的人喊叫让他们回去。2.引申为控制;约束To rein in something means to control it. His administration's economic policy will focus on controlling in还有呢?
夏至:日长至,暑气生The Summer Solstice is the tenth solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar and was the first to be determined.夏至这天,正午的阳光几乎直射地球的北回归线,平常是立竿见影,但这个时候立竿不见影。On this day, the noon sun is almost directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer. Usually,好了吧!
双响报丨山东“神射手”齐迎:没有大流量的世界第二,亚洲第一当地时间7月30日,在巴黎奥运会飞碟男子多向决赛中,首次参加奥运会的山东省选手齐迎获得银牌,创造了中国队选手在该项目上的奥运会最好成绩。On July 30th local time, at the skeet shooting men's final in the Paris Olympics, Qi Ying from Shandong Province, who was competing in the 后面会介绍。